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Case study

The challenge

The complexity and urgency of streamlining varied manufacturing processes and systems after making an acquisition was a major challenge for a global pharmaceuticals company. Disparate and legacy applications had to be replaced with a unified, flexible manufacturing system so the company could accommodate its specific production process and lower operations costs. The company partnered with Cognizant to lead a smart factory transformation program to unify its processes and systems and to chart a road map to improve operational efficiencies.

Our approach

Cognizant OnePlant framework provided the client with templates, process documents and best deployment practices that helped its team roll out project deliverables as much as 30% faster than without the framework. We managed projects end to end and, as part of the Cognizant OnePlant framework, delivered application customization and multiple accelerator tools to reduce cycle time. We also established a structured training and change management process.

Cognizant OnePlant ensures consistency across various sites. The best practices included as part of the framework help the company reduce cycle time, increase yield, introduce paperless systems and enhance compliance and quality.

Cognizant OnePlant combines technology and strategy to improve plant operations

We empowered the company to harmonize its critical manufacturing processes and thereby enhanced its ongoing pursuit of operational, quality and compliance excellence. The Cognizant OnePlant solution accelerators alone saved more than 4,000 person hours, which helped the client realize return on investment (ROI) in six months of rollout, on average. Lowered cost of ownership thanks to an efficient and evergreen standardized platform enabled the client to invest the savings in further development of its smart factory strategy as well as other business-critical areas.


person hours saved

30 of the 70 sites

live with unified manufacturing execution system (MES) integrated to enterprise resource planning (ERP)


increase in throughput