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The story of how humans and Evolutionary AI joined forces to take on one of the greatest challenges of a generation—COVID-19.

Launched by XPRIZE and Cognizant, this four-month global competition featured 104 teams from 28 countries building on our Evolutionary AI model to help facilitate critical decision-making to reopen the world’s economies and societies, safer and faster. The collaborative nature of this competition made it a powerful example of using AI for Good.
Read more about the Pandemic Response Challenge winners.
Learn more about the technical information behind the challenge.
To get a better idea of how our AI model works, move the Predictor sliders below and see how increasing or decreasing restrictions affects the number of cases.

Honorable mentions share insights

Click here to hear from some of the teams who received an honorable mention.

What AI-driven decision making looks like

The Evolutionary Surrogate-Assisted Prescription (ESP) system learned to make recommendations about the spread of COVID-19. ESP’s two learning tasks include: learning to predict and using the predictor as a surrogate for the real world to prescribe actions that lead to desirable outcomes.
The historical COVID-19 data comes from the publicly available COVID-19 data provided by Oxford University (Hale, Webster, Petherick, Phillips, Kira, 2020, Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University).

Take the first step

Serving customers by looking forward as well as back is a big promise, but the power of today’s new digital capabilities is vast and growing.

Let’s talk about how digital can work for your business.