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The path to accelerated settlement starts here.

The core issue for firms as they move to T+1 settlement isn’t just the technology changes but also the operational rules and process changes required to support the new standard.
Along with T+1’s welcome benefits—think greater settlement efficiency and reduction in capital usage—come challenges, such as the likely increase in settlement failures due to post-trade process delays in the first few months after adoption.
Partner with us to meet the T+1 challenges and optimize your post-trade activities. Start planning for T+0 – the next logical move. Together, we set the path that works best for your business.
Learn more about our banking and financial services solutions for your business.
Gain a partner to meet you where you are
Gain a partner to meet you where you are

Wherever your firm is in its T+1 journey, we’re ready to partner with you, to shape a strategy that provides the right mix of fast, scalable technologies and business lift.

Dashboards on laptops as well as on reports being displayed.
Access a deep advisory team
Access a deep advisory team

Our skilled teams have the breadth and depth to implement the back-end complexities the T+1 standard requires.

Implement a front-to-back solution architecture
Implement a front-to-back solution architecture

From operating model redesign to innovative sourcing options, we address operational constraints in your middle and back offices and help you adapt functions such as credit risk for T+1 efficiencies.

Thought leadership

T+1: What you need to know

T+1 settlement looms as a gamechanger for the capital markets industry when it goes into effect in May 2024.

Woman with a tablet looking at screens.
Getting ready for T+1? Then it’s already time to plan for T+0

Learn the five key areas of change firms will need to undertake to address T+1’s impact holistically.

A conference being held.
Data modernization: Banks’ opportunity to leverage regulation for innovation

Find out how regulation could be the answer to driving innovation for financial services organizations.

A chip with a cloud logo.

Take the first step

Serving customers by looking forward as well as back is a big promise, but the power of today’s new digital capabilities is vast and growing.

Let’s talk about how digital can work for your business.