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Case study

The challenge

Our client, a non-profit community-focused health plan is committed to improving the health of its more than 400,000 members by helping them access affordable, high-quality healthcare. Core system performance and data management are critical to these goals. The client wanted to improve batch production stability, deploy upcoming cloud-enabled technologies via our roadmap and create a foundation for modern member-facing services. Transitioning to a digitally adept modern infrastructure would position the health plan to meet these goals and improve its business continuity and disaster recovery plans.

Our approach

We partnered with our health plan client to migrate its Facets® core platform, various apps and in-house custom code from our on-premises data center to a Microsoft® Azure public cloud managed by Cognizant Hosting.  As a first step, a successful Sybase-to-SQL Server database migration positioned the plan to immediately execute the cloud migration, which was completed in six months.

The health plan is now taking advantage of cloud-optimized versions of Facets and NetworX Pricer® and their capabilities to launch infrastructure modernization initiatives, including federated user authentication or single sign-on. This feature greatly improves associates’ productivity by avoiding help desk calls to reset usernames and passwords. It also improves security, because user access to Facets is automatically removed whenever our client removes users from its corporate identity and access management system. In addition, because setting up non-production environments is easy and cost-effective, there is greater freedom to efficiently design and test new features and services. 

Related case studies

Microsoft Azure helps achieve digital transformation goal

The migration to Microsoft Azure has increased the stability and flexibility of the client’s core administrative functions. It improved the speed of extracting data from Facets to a data warehouse by 50% to 60% and decreased the time for claims delta extract, on an average, from 6 hours to 2.5 hours. Full claims extract time was reduced from 19.5 hours to 9.5 hours, while the recovery time objective (RTO) improved from 48 to 24 hours and the recovery point objective (RPO) improved from 24 hours to 1 hour.

The health plan now has a foundation for continued Facets platform advancement and security. In addition, Facets in the cloud gives our client increased elasticity to grow and shrink capacity with demand. These improvements lead to more satisfied and healthier members.


RTO from 48 to 24 hours


RPO from 24 hours to 1 hour


full claims extract time from 19.5 hours to 9.5 hours