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Case study

The challenge

When a major communications service provider sought a makeover for its mobile app, it wanted more than a new look. Its goal was an all-digital frontend. A sleek, modern customer experience (CX) was a must. In addition, the telco planned to position the app as its primary channel for customer engagement, mission critical for everything from self-service and payments to promotions. To achieve the telco’s goals, Cognizant’s Communications team partnered with the company on an innovative contract that established business key performance indicators (KPIs) as targets.

Our approach

Outcome-based contracts are distinctly different from traditional service-level agreements because they focus on business value. To better understand the telco’s business, we assembled a cross-functional team that gave us a holistic view across the client’s organization, architecture and development. Working together, we jointly conceptualized business and technical KPIs that ensured value for both partners. Although the upfront work required a significant investment of time, the collaboration gave our team time to develop the trust that’s at the heart of the outcome-based model. Use of the agile development methodology led to regular iterations that provided big impact through small improvements. Mapping the call flow journey from the frontend to the application server, and then to the backend legacy system, helped us spot bottlenecks such as database calls that were slowing response time for frontend users.

Innovative contract results in all-digital frontend

Through the combination of our focus on client business outcomes and the use of agile methodology, the client gained a mobile app that now serves as its primary channel for customer engagement. In one year, the app’s rating in Google Play Store rose to 4.5 from 3.3, and in the Apple App Store to 4.3 from 3.3.


growth in use of the app for recharges and payments


rating for the mobile app in the Google Play Store

Sub-2 second

average customer log-in time, reduced from 8 seconds