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Case study

The challenge

A U.S-based healthcare intelligence company that offers predictive analytics for population health and care management wanted to expand its solutions to a wider customer base. However, its existing on-premises infrastructure did not have the flexibility or scalability to support the business expansion strategy or onboard new customers within an acceptable timeframe. The company needed a robust cloud strategy, information security, data protection and governance, as well as a target reference architecture to support its customers’ needs efficiently.

Our approach

Cognizant developed an AWS cloud-driven IT operations strategy to create a scalable, secure and compliant environment for the healthcare company. Our goal was to ensure the technology was cost effective and closely aligned with the client’s business objectives. After identifying AWS as the target cloud platform, Cognizant designed and implemented an AWS cloud infrastructure that encompassed 100% of the client’s IT landscape. We also set up an operating model to proactively monitor and respond to security events, factoring in multi-region and multi-zone backup and disaster recovery.

We used our Cloud Steps modernization framework methodology to identify and evaluate key criteria, including the capabilities of different platforms and products to meet extensive healthcare regulatory and compliance requirements. We implemented HIPAA-compliant Healthcare Cloud Reference Architectures in the infrastructure, data, network and application layers. This increases the client’s flexibility to add new customers within an acceptable timeframe and provides an environment to meet its customers’ variable data processing demands. Automated build, deployment, provisioning and virtual workstations (AWS workspaces) in the cloud enable the client’s developers and data scientists to quickly provision resources and work from any location.

AWS cloud infrastructure creates a scalable, secure environment

The modern cloud infrastructure implemented by Cognizant not only enabled quick resource provisioning for remote location work but also reduced our client’s time to market by 30% for new applications and analytics features. We also helped reduce the client’s operating costs by 40% and improve its security management using best-in-class tools.


operational cost savings


faster product build


savings in tools costs