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Deep learning

What is deep learning?

Deep learning is a specialized form of machine learning that is powered by neural networking. It makes sense of unstructured data by extracting and classifying images or sounds to draw valuable business conclusions. Deep learning can be applied in areas such as facial recognition, speech recognition, translation, autonomous cars and social network filtering.

What are the business benefits of deep learning?

Applying deep learning technology can reduce the amount of time it takes to analyze data and draw conclusions. It can also increase the quality and accuracy of those results. Deep learning can also:

  • Catch defects. Deep learning models can identify even very small product manufacturing defects that humans often miss.
  • Improve forecasting. Organizations can use deep learning algorithms to mine relationships between multiple types of unstructured data—such as images, social media chatter, industry analyses and more—to make better business forecasts.
  • Eliminate data labeling. Deep learning technology algorithms are capable of learning without guidelines, eliminating the need for well-labeled data.
  • Avoid human error. A deep learning model can perform thousands of routine, repetitive tasks very quickly, avoiding errors associated with human fatigue or boredom.
  • Automate feature engineering. Deep learning can implement feature engineering autonomously. An algorithm scans data to identify and combine correlating features to promote faster learning—streamlining data scientists’ work.
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