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Evolutionary algorithm

What is an evolutionary algorithm? 

An evolutionary algorithm is an evolutionary AI-based computer application that solves problems by employing processes that mimic the behaviors of living things. As such, it uses mechanisms that are typically associated with biological evolution, such as reproduction, mutation and recombination. 

Evolutionary algorithms function in a Darwinian-like natural selection process; the weakest solutions are eliminated while stronger, more viable options are retained and re-evaluated in the next evolution—with the goal being to arrive at optimal actions to achieve the desired outcomes.

What are the business benefits of evolutionary algorithms?

Multiple business benefits are associated with evolutionary algorithms, including:

  • Increased flexibility. Evolutionary algorithm concepts can be modified and adapted to solve the most complex problems humans face and meet target objectives.
  • Better optimization. The vast “population” of all possible solutions is taken into consideration. This means the algorithm is not restricted to a particular solution.
  • Unlimited solutions. Unlike classical methods that present and attempt to maintain a single best solution, evolutionary algorithms include and can present multiple potential solutions to a problem. 
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