Powerful self-service tools to empower members
Members access their plan information, personalized treatment cost estimates and transaction history in real-time through intuitive, easy-to-use features.
Health plan members need accurate, timely information about their coverage, benefits, costs and provider options to make optimal decisions about their care. TriZetto® EngageMember® enables payer organizations to equip members with real-time access to data in TriZetto core systems.
Through EngageMember’s intuitive interface, health plan members access coverage, claims, personalized treatment cost estimates, provider comparisons, out-of-pocket costs and benefits information. Accurate, up-to-date data enables members to make better-informed healthcare decisions that lower their cost of care. These rich, satisfying experiences can help improve member retention and reduce payer operating costs.
EngageMember is pre-integrated with TriZetto core administration systems and can connect to other critical applications and third-party systems via its powerful data management layer. Data from disparate systems must be normalized and prepared for use by other systems. Robust administrative capabilities let your business users customize EngageMember without coding or help from IT to manage your brand and message and easily create and maintain treatment profiles needed for accurate treatment estimates. EngageMember data management accomplishes this, powering smooth, real-time bi-directional data flows while eliminating custom batch integrations, expensive software upgrades and integration maintenance. Members can gain a holistic picture of their treatment costs and plan transactions, while payers may reduce IT and operating costs.