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April 28, 2022

Rebuilding businesses for the net zero era

The glimmers of a more sustainable, purposeful and digital-led era are coming into view. Here are three actions businesses can take to ensure a future fit for all.

The net zero era is truly upon us. Faced with the challenge of climate change and a landscape transformed by the pandemic, the message for businesses couldn’t be more clear: find new ways to blend technology with human capabilities to innovate and create a more sustainable planet.

Figure 1

We’ve created a field guide for businesses to get ahead and stay ahead in the net zero era. Forward-thinking businesses need to start thinking and acting along the following lines:

1. Reimagine processes and value chains through a digital lens

2. Empower customers with personalization, trust and control over products, services and experiences

3. Align your actions with a corporate ethos that provides a supportive and meaningful work environment for all

To learn more, contact us.

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