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Can AI be leveraged to improve knowledge dissemination, streamline the fundraising process and, ultimately, generate a positive impact for children? To find out, Save the Children Norway teamed up with Cognizant’s global AI and transformation experts for a focused, high-intensity workshop.

When Save the Children Norway wanted to empower the organization through new technologies, they turned to Cognizant for support. Cognizant’s commitment to creating impact led to a collaborative project around AI, delivered as a pro bono service.

“AI offers new opportunities to anticipate needs and help more children faster,” said Henriette Westhrin, CEO, Save the Children Norway. “We must be in a position to use technology like AI, efficiently and responsibly to ensure it always upholds children’s rights.”

Spark workshop ignites AI imagination

To explore AI opportunities within the specific context, with the overall aim to transform challenges in knowledge and document management into opportunities, Cognizant suggested a “Spark session workshop” to bridge departmental silos and create actionable strategies. It’s a proven format for accelerating transformative projects, designed to uncover challenges and – in this case – identify AI-driven advantages.

The Spark workshop unfolded over three intensive days in Oslo in June, bringing together six Cognizant experts and twelve representatives from Save the Children’s various departments. It was preceded by some pre-work together with the departments to ensure alignment.

The workshop structure, rooted in empathy and human connection to foster a collaborative environment, followed a signature three-part framework: Identifying and prioritizing challenges, ideating and mapping solutions, and finally developing a roadmap for AI integration.

New ideas and clarity on AI journey

The outcome? While the format was new to the Save the Children Norway team, the Spark workshop enabled the organization to break down departmental silos, foster a mindset open to AI-driven change, and define clear steps to integrate AI into their operations effectively. 

“Collaborating with Cognizant has truly sparked our imagination, igniting our team’s ability to uncover AI’s potential and illuminating the path to more positive impact for children”, said Liina Aagedal, Director Technology and Transformation Save the Children Norway.

Based on the identified challenges, objectives, and organizational goals of the Save the Children Norway, the Cognizant team designed a solution map containing generative AI companion tools to elevate knowledge dissemination and, ultimately, strengthen fundraising and donor relationships. Additionally, the suggested roadmap empowered the organization to make informed decisions about AI solutions.

Tailored to any needs

This innovative and clarifying approach can be used elsewhere. Cognizant can bring Spark sessions to any company, fully customized to efficiently address the organization’s specific challenges and goals.

“The approach used with Save the Children Norway can serve as a blueprint for other organizations looking to embrace AI to drive impactful transformation,” said Pradeep Vipparthy, Transformation Lead Nordics, Cognizant Netcentric.

Learn more about Spark sessions (which are part of our Bernstein transformation orchestration framework) here and also visit Cognizant’s fundraising to support the work of Save the Children Norway.

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