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Increasing reliance on new energy sources, along with a growing need for more efficiency, requires unprecedented operational agility—and investments in digital solutions for traditional utility operators and new entrants alike.


The utilities segments we serve

Explore how modern Business Process Services can help accelerate growth for utilities clients.


Our holistic approach transforms companies

We start by pinpointing customer touchpoints, engagement channels and transactions in need of improvement. Then we implement utility technology solutions to make the digital transformation successful.


A major US power utility

streamlines its application portfolio and saves up to $23 million in annual operating costs...

two people looking at the sky


A top-performing major utility

increases customer satisfaction scores by 90% with a mobile app providing quick access to...

a computer screen with home energy written on it


A leading electric and gas utility

uses analytics to reduce service calls, resulting in potential savings of $1 million...

two people looking at a tablet

Recently published insights


Unlock value using generative AI in the utilities industry

The rapid development of gen AI will transform the nature of work. Stakeholders must act quickly to adopt gen AI and prepare to address both the opportunities and risks.

two workers standing beside a wind turbine


100% renewable energy by 2050? Probably not

Energy based entirely on renewables by 2050 has become a mainstream—but perhaps overly aggressive—goal.

100% renewable energy


Utilities can ramp up CX with a customer data platform

A CDP will enhance the utility customer experience while eliminating the need to replace disparate legacy systems.

connected city

Drawing on data from 4,000 business leaders globally, including 285 representing utilities, our researchers learned that utility executives will invest in digital transformation in utilities to unlock future growth. Find out how new capabilities can help utility companies double their revenue by 2023.


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Take the first step towards digital transformation in utilities

Serving customers by looking forward as well as back is a big promise, but the power of today’s new digital capabilities is vast and growing.

Let’s talk about how utility technology solutions can work for your business.