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Measure the effectiveness of one of your biggest costs.

Trade promotions is the second largest cost item for large consumer goods companies, often exceeding 15% of revenue. Unfortunately, many organizations struggle to measure the ROI of those expenditures.
Partnering with Cognizant can help. With our modeling, you can analyze data from multiple sources. Our offerings help you systematically measure ROI so you can make better decisions in the future.
Learn more about our Consumer Goods solutions for your business.
C-Smart analytics
C-Smart analytics

Get insight into key business activities such as new product launches, brand performance by category, promotion effectiveness and competitor analysis.

Loyalty management
Loyalty management

Get help managing referrals, promotion rules, partners, members, redemption points, direct mailers and more.


Facilitate segmentation, web analytics integration, multi-channel optimization, campaign design optimization and predictive analytics.


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Take the first step

Serving customers by looking forward as well as back is a big promise, but the power of today’s new digital capabilities is vast and growing.

Let’s talk about how digital can work for your business.