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Streamline the process of underwriting.

One in six life insurance applicants withdraw their application because they become frustrated with the long and confusing underwriting process. Cognizant Risk Profile Gateway speeds and simplifies the process of underwriting.
Digitize health data retrieval
Digitize health data retrieval

Cognizant Risk Profile Gateway automates the collection of applicant medical data. Our secure web-based platform creates summary risk profiles from health information.

Analyze risk to make faster decisions
Analyze risk to make faster decisions

In addition to providing swift access to health data, Cognizant Risk Profile Gateway summarizes this data in an easy-to-consume format, enabling faster decisions and more accurate pricing.

Keep applicants engaged
Keep applicants engaged

Cognizant Risk Profile Gateway dramatically reduces the effort required from the customer, while significantly shortening the time to complete an application. That reduces both cost and risk.

Learn more about our Life, Retirement, Employer Benefits & Annuity solutions for your business.
Accelerating digital transformation in insurance

Help insurers break the digital deadlock and make progress.

Take the first step

Serving customers by looking forward as well as back is a big promise, but the power of today’s new digital capabilities is vast and growing.

Let’s talk about how digital can work for your business.