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Start your engines for audience segmentation.

Cognizant’s Fan Persona Engine allows sports brands to see—and connect with—unique fan segments.
By unlocking the mountain of fan data that sports brands already have they can take their personalization strategies from simply adding customer names in an email template to something bigger. Customers crave more personalized fan experiences, and we believe they deserve it.
Done right, your fans will develop deeper relationships with your brand. You will drive more revenue in a more sustainable manner.
And your partners will gain the ability to engage with the individuals on your database that they really care about.
Don’t be left behind when it comes to your fan data. Let us help you start your engines.
Understanding your sports brand
Understanding your sports brand

First, we will get to know your objectives, your data landscape and your target audience. We will also find out what monetization opportunities exist for your fans.

Audience at a match
Transforming fan data to full profiles
Transforming fan data to full profiles

Next, we will apply third-party datasets to your existing first-party data to build a complete fan profile. This tells us what fans are interested in and their preferred experience delivery.

Tennis player
Providing personalized fan experiences
Providing personalized fan experiences

Finally, matching fan profiles with your brand goals we’ll work to develop personalized, digital experiences for your customers.

Person watching a match at home
Cognizant recognized in the Best Experience Transformation category

Cognizant Digital Experience Team’s work with The Football Association in the UK earned an honorable mention in the Best Digital Experience Transformation category at the annual Sitecore Awards.

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Our perspectives



David Ingham

Client Partner for Media, Entertainment & Sport

Fergus Tomlinson

Product Owner of Fan Persona Engine

James Gibbs

Strategy Lead for Fan Persona Engine

Take the first step

Serving customers by looking forward as well as back is a big promise, but the power of today’s new digital capabilities is vast and growing.

Let’s talk about how digital can work for your business.