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Manufacturing businesses are under constant pressure to find new sources of revenue and aftermarket services can potentially be a huge area for differentiation and a new profit stream. But providing efficient installation, repair, maintenance and support requires end-to-end visibility in the aftermarket value chain. This is a huge undertaking, but Cognizant Digital After Market Services can help to streamline the process.
Cognizant has extensive experience integrating disparate systems and enhancing aftermarket services across a wide range of businesses. Our digital-first approach starts with digitizing your operations, offering a comprehensive suite of market-leading assets, including partnerships with OnProcess Technology and PEGA, to empower and bring together six main areas:
  • Service request management
  • Field service management
  • Spare parts order management
  • Warranty management
  • Reverse logistics
  • Asset monitoring

    For too long, the aftermarket services function has been seen purely as a cost center. Now, with broader, deeper digital solutions available, there has never been a better time to refocus on aftermarket services and transitioning that function from a sunk cost to a business opportunity.

    Service request management
    Service request management

    Typically undertaken in a customer contact center, this process resolves customer requests for service through call triaging and/or service request creation as a precursor to field dispatch.

    Field services management
    Field services management

    This process covers checking for parts, tools and skill availability, assigning tickets to technicians, dispatch and route optimization, as well as collaboration with suppliers/third-party providers.

    Spare parts order management
    Spare parts order management

    The focus here is on assets and critical parts prioritization, inventory management, parts order fulfilment, backorder reduction, and parts return management.

    Warranty management
    Warranty management

    Capabilities here cover areas such as return merchandise authorization (RMA), claims processing and warranty supplier recovery.

    Reverse logistics
    Reverse logistics

    This broad and complex function includes returns authorization, discrepancies handling, problem shelf management, shipment track and trace, contract administration, and credit and rebill services.

    Asset monitoring
    Asset monitoring

    Asset utilization and optimization, maintenance planning and scheduling, incident management, and regulatory compliance management are all hallmarks of a robust asset management capability.

    Our perspectives

    Take the first step

    Serving customers by looking forward as well as back is a big promise, but the power of today’s new digital capabilities is vast and growing.

    Let’s talk about how digital can work for your business.