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Cognizant Blog

Adopting a microservices architecture style? Learn how to avoid implementation challenges and even failures in this whitepaper.

Organizations across industries are at various stages of their journey toward adopting a microservices architecture style. Microservice architecture style is one of the prominent and relevant design approaches for developing cloud-native systems, and we strongly consider that our clients apply this style in distributed systems development.

However, while the benefits delivered by a microservices architecture such as agility, selective scalability and availability still hold true, we are dismayed by the various suboptimal implementations of microservices architectures that have emerged since our initial take on the topic.

Pitfalls and challenges along the way tend to result in sub-optimal applications of this architecture style, leading to an environment in which teams start to think that microservices is yet another adopted fad. The additional complexity in operations of and troubleshooting these systems creates further issues. 

Hence, we highly recommend keeping an eye on these pitfalls and proactively addressing the challenges so that microservices benefits can be effectively achieved. Wherever any of these pitfalls or challenges result in tactical decision-making, we should ensure that such exceptions are handled though a proper technical debt-management mechanism.

This white paper provides readers with guidance on fundamental design decisions required to properly implement a microservices architecture to realize all the benefits available to organizations willing to take the plunge.

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